Day 9 of 61 Blog Challenge

Day 9: What Are Your Worst Habits

Oh man, I have to figure out my worst habits. This is going to be fun and interesting. I guess I will find some new things about myself as well 😋

1. I tend to sleep in quite often. Although right now I am doing a lot of sleeping due to recovery from surgery.

2. I spend a good portion of my day sitting. With my fibromyalgia it can make it hard to get up and do daily house chores so I have to take a lot of breaks.

3. I curse a lot. My husband is an ex-Sailor, so we both tend to curse quite often.

4. I tend to do emotional shopping if I can, if our finances allow it anyways.

5. I will candy binge at times. Instead of eating actual meals, those certain times of the month I will want nothing by candy or sweets.

6. I will talk to myself and even answer myself at times. When I talk out loud to myself I will actually make my husband or kids think that I am talking to them and they will sometimes answer me.

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