My Mom - My Anchor from Day One

Kids and their parents dont always see eye to eye on things something that I have learned since becoming a mom. My mom and I though have had an amazing relationship, regardless of us not seeing eye to eye.

mom, wedding, family, parenting, parents, love

Growing up things were not easy. My mom and I went through a lot of turmoil together and apart, but she always managed to be my rock, to be my light at the end of a long dark tunnel.

mom, family, parents, love, daughter

She taught me so much through the years, even now as an adult she still teaches me new things. She showed me how to stay strong during hard times, showed me how to be a mom (even though I know I have messed up through the years) showed me patience.

mom, dad, wedding, daughter

Mom, you are one of the strongest, most selfless, amazing, hardworking women I have ever known. Life has not been easy on your or I. We have both lost people that we loved and cared for and, in the end, you were always there to hold me tight.
To this day you are there to help me through the toughest things that life decides to throw at me. You have shown me what being a parent means. I know I keep repeating myself on somethings, but you are not just my mom, but you are my best friend. I can talk to you about anything and everything without any judgment.

mom, parent, grandparents, grandson, grandchildren

Thank you for being my anchor, for keeping me grounded when life threw me those curveballs. You have shown me how to take life and bring the fun out even during dark times. I am sorry for not turning out to be the daughter you wanted me to be, for being the mom you wanted me to be, for not always being strong. But thank you for continuing to show me the way, for being supportive with all the choices I make, even if you dont agree with them.

mom, grandsons, grandson, grandchildren, grandchild, grandparent, family, love

Thank you for being amazing, generous, forgiving, selfless, loving, caring, my mom. Thank you for having me, raising me. Thank you for being such an outstanding grandmother to my children. Thank you for always being you! I love you mom!

mom, wedding, brother, family, love

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