PlasmaCar Fun & Giveaway - Holiday Gift Guide

*Disclaimer: I received this product from Plasmart Toys to facilitate my honest opinion. All opinions in this review are 100% my own and those of the children that have tried out the product. *

The holidays are coming up and when you have kids, sometimes it’s hard to find that right gift that they are going to like. The PlasmaCar by Plasmart is a ride-on toy for ages 3 and up. All you need to get it to move is the energy that the children love to bottle up, and well my children love to bottle up their energy for sure! 

This is a great Christmas present for any child. My 3 youngest kids (12, 10, & 5) all love going outside and playing around on the PlasmaCar. My 3-year-old nephew just loves the PlasmaCar, it must be one of his favorite things. He is always wanting to play on it and ride it around. When it is time to put it away, all the kids, even my nephew, doesn’t want it to be put away, they get all upset.

When I took it out of the box and started to get all the pieces out to put together, you could tell that it was a very simple thing to put together. The kids and I all sat down and started to put it together, they were even able to help me because it is that easy. You don’t need a lot of tools, there isn’t a lot of parts to go with it. I did have to tighten the steering wheel a few times, but that was because of something that I personally did wrong. Always make sure that when you go to tighten the steering wheel, that the front wheels are facing the right direction and not just in some odd direction, otherwise you will be in the situation that I was in (come on, we all have those moments).

The kids can, for the most part, drive it around everywhere. Due to us living in an apartment, there isn’t a lot of room for them to drive it around up here, but they have been able to ride it on the carpet a little bit. Of course, with my kids, they are going to test it out everywhere, so they took it out in the grass and it goes ok in the grass, if you use your feet to push it around. Which my nephew was completely ok with doing one day when were having a BBQ and the kids needed to stay in the grass area, so we could see them. If I could, I would have to purchase a PlasmaCar for each of the younger kids and one for my nephew, so they could all just race each other.

Once the kids took it outside, they were having such a blast with it. We were outside for hours because they just enjoyed it so much. It supposed up to 220lbs on a smooth surface and 120lbs on uneven surface. You can purchase the PlasmaCar on Amazon!

Are you ready for this?! I am also hosting a GIVEAWAY! Yep, you could possibly win a PlasmaCar for your own child(ren) for the holidays! Enter for your chance to win down below and keep any eye out to see if you are the winner! **For US and Canada residents only**

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Replies
    1. My children love this and so does my niece and nephews. With the rainy weather here in the PNW, we always have to wait until the perfect day to take it outside to play.

  2. I love the closeness of family and the whole "magic" that hugs the entire season!

    1. I love the closeness of the family during this season as well. When my husband was in the Navy it was so hard being away from both of our families during this time, but now that we have been back, I cherish every moment.

  3. I love seeing my kids excited for Christmas day and spending time with family.

    1. I love seeing their faces on Christmas morning, although I will still be trying to wake up cause they are up at like 5:30am lol but it's well worth it :)

  4. I love spending time with family during the holidays, and having time to just hang out and chill watching movies, playing games, and going for walks.

    1. My husband always plays "A Christmas Story" all day on Christmas Day lol the kids and I will be playing card games or board games, while he cooks Christmas dinner (he loves to cook dinner lol).

  5. What I love most about Christmas time is all the time we get to spend together as a family. I love having the kids home from school, seeing relatives we don't normally get to see, doing fun family activities etc.

    1. I do love having the kids home for Christmas break, but this year their Christmas break starts on Christmas Eve :( So I plan on doing a lot of fun things with them between now and Christmas break.

  6. I love watching the magic come alive in my children's eyes.

    1. I love that as well, they just have this special little sparkle this time of year when going out and driving around, looking at Christmas lights, doing special little holiday things, it's the best feeling.

  7. I’m excited to see and spend time with family this Christmas!

    1. That is definitely always the greatest! I miss seeing my grandma & grandpa during the holidays.

  8. I love decorating and doing activities with my family during the holidays!

    1. Do you have special activities that you do during the holidays with the family? We always bake and decorate cookies for Santa, and every year my kids make salt dough hand print ornaments :)

  9. The joy of the family coming together with the sharing of recipes and stories.

    1. I really do miss all of that with my family. I miss everyone coming together and sharing all of those special things.
