How important is education - 30 Day Blog Challenge Day TEN

This is a topic of conversation that I do hear is brought up often. Education to me is very important and I tell this to my kids every day, especially when they are bringing home not so good grades. Just recently my middle schooler and high schooler are bringing home grades to where they won't be passing and one of them may not be able to graduate on time. Part of it, of course, is because they would rather just mess around with their friends and another part is that they don't want to do the work when they get home.

Playlist shuffle - 30 Day Blog Challenge Day SIX

I love music. In high school I was in choir and growing up I wanted to be a singer (but the family didn't support that dream). But now I have passed down the joy of singing and music to my kids. I enjoy a wide variety of music, so here is just a little taste of what I like. I am putting my playlist on my Spotify app on shuffle, these are the first 15 songs.

5 current goals - 30 Day Blog Challenge Day FOUR

Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link. 

When it comes to setting goals for myself, I will always set them, but then I have a hard time trying to get them going. With my depression and anxiety, sometimes when I set the goals and think about them, my anxiety goes into major overdrive and then I just shut down.

Outfit of the day - 30 Day Blog Challenge Day THREE

For the most part, since I am always home (one car household), so I don't typically leave the house unless I have to run errands that day and I take my husband to work. Well with summer coming I have started to branch out you could say, on what I have been wearing and feeling a little bit more confident in myself (which is such an awesome feeling). 

Picture and 10 facts about ME - 30 Day Blog Challenge Day ONE

So I have seen many blog challenges before. As I was strolling through Pinterest trying to find some topics to write about these blog challenges kept coming up, so I thought that I would create one of my own!! I just found a lot of different questions (which a lot of them are in a lot of the same challenges).