Day 7 of 61 Blog Challenge

Day 7: Your Pet Hates/Peeves

Ooohhh the pet peeves! This is going to be a fun one, because there isn't a certain number. Let's see how many pet peeves I actually have! HAHAHA

1. When people run late, which than causes me to run late. I can't stand that. I understand that things come up, but when they just flat out tell me that they just plain forgot after I reminded them numerous times, it drives me nuts!

2. When people chew with their mouth open. My dad used to do it all the time and I wanted to smack him lol

3. Running nails on a chalkboard, but of course who does like that! I honestly don't know how you can even handle running your nails across a chalkboard. Heck just thinking about it right now makes me cringe.

4. Drivers that are in the fast lane but are going slower than the speed limit! If you are going to do that than move over into the slow lane PLEASE!

5. People watching me eat. I don't know why people insist on watching me eat, but I certainly don't care to be watched like some animal.

6. When my phone wants to load a webpage so slow, especially when it's something important that I need to look up.

7. Repeating myself numerous times. I think that I do this multiple times a day, especially with my kids. I swear I sound like a broken record.

8. Toilet seat being left up! That right there drives me insane. They lifted the dang thing up, so how hard is it to put the thing back down? It was a constant battle in my home for awhile, but now I have everyone closing the lids to the toilets thanks to my cat.

9. Attention Hogs/Know-It-Alls drive me up the wall. I get it, you like the attention because you know it all, but give me a break please!

Wow, I actually didn't have as many pet peeves as I thought that I would lol

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