Day 14 of 61 Blog Challenge

Day 14: If you won the lottery...

I have thought about this numerous times. I would purchase a new car for myself and put a good down payment towards it. I would then pay off all of my debt and work on my credit so we could purchase a house. Then I would go on a shopping spree, get all new bedroom furniture (our room, boy's room, and daughter's room), living room furniture, and dining room furniture. We have always had second hand stuff, which is totally fine because there are some that look like they are new, but after being together for almost 11.5 years, I would love for us to have some stuff that is ours, that we purchased together.

During the shopping spree I would also be getting wall decor for our place since our walls are totally bare "/ Shopping for DIY projects that I want to do for all the kids, our room, and the living/dining room is another thing that I want to grab. Having those homemade things around the home, having them made the way that you like them, makes it feel more like a home.

The final thing would be planning a big family vacation. We have done family vacations to the Oregon Coast, but I want to plan a bigger family vacation to Disneyland or Legoland. Neil and I will finally get our honeymoon (no, we never had a honeymoon), travel to Hawaii, Paris, and Bahamas. Then Neil and I would get to go on our cruise as well.

The rest of the money will just sit in our account and be used as need to pay bills, get the kids and ourselves things that we need, etc.

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