Day 17 of 61 Blog Challenge

Day 17: What is your most proud moment?

This is probably one of the best questions to get you thinking. Being 36 years old, I have made a lot of achievements and a lot of failures in life. As I sit here, this question has me doing a lot of deep thinking about what I have done in my life. Sitting down and writing down my proud moments, I really can't sit here and write just one down, because I have a few of them. My biggest one would be the days that I became a mom. With each kid I was proud. I was proud of what I did, I was proud of what I brought into this world. But there is a lot more that I am proud of as well.

Leaving an abusive, controlling, and destroyed relationship. This proud moment is right up there with becoming a mom. I was in this relationship for way too long. I thought that I was in love with him, heck I thought that he loved me, but towards the end of our relationship that all changed. My attitude towards him started to change, I saw that the way that he was treating me was wrong and the way that he would talk to our children wasn't right. He would try to control everything that I did, who I talked to, where I went, etc. Even though he had a job, he wouldn't help pay the bills, everything came out of my paychecks, so in the end I wasn't able to keep my cell phone going. He didn't mind that though because that meant that I wasn't able to call people, not even my mom. I wasn't even able to get the home phone going because at that time my paychecks covered our rent, my car payment, power bill, gas bill, etc. It was the top proudest day when I finally kicked him out of my life and my home. I struggled as a single mom, but I didn't mind at all. 

That brings me to my next proudest moment. Being a single working parent isn't the easiest thing. I couldn’t spend a lot of time with my kids, they were always at daycare and I was at work. I had to split the weekends with the biological father (my ex that I left), so spending the weekends with them wasn't the easiest thing to do. But I was proud of everything that I was doing on my own. I was able to make sure that I kept a roof over my children's head, food on the table, clothes on their back. I made sure that I got a routine down with them every morning and every night. I was proud of what I had accomplished with my kids. 

The next proud moment that I had was when I quit smoking 13 months ago. I had to quit smoking so that I could my incisional umbilical hernia repair with mesh. I had tried to stop smoking numerous times before in the past and I would do go for a while, but then I would break down and start back up again. I was afraid that it would happen again and that I wouldn't be able to get the surgery that I needed. But here I am going 13 months strong and yes, I still have urges, especially when my anxiety and stress get bad, but I have resisted those urges and keep pushing through it.

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