Day 15 of 61 Blog Challenge

Day 15: Timeline of your day

Well trying to make a timeline of my day is sometimes a bit of a pain because each day changes and well being a stay at home mom and only having one vehicle, I can't really do a whole lot during the day. But I will try my best to make a timeline of one of my typical days.

8:00am - Get up and make sure that Aidan is getting ready for school
8:45am - Send Aidan off to the bus stop, than head back to bed for a little while
10:00am - Cheyanne and I get up, get breakfast and start our day
11:00am - Cheyanne and I work on some of her learning books or binder. Sometimes we will work on the tablet or computer as well.
12:00pm - Make lunch for Cheyanne and I
12:45pm - Start doing some laundry, cleaning up around the apt
2:15pm - Cheyanne gets some free time and I use that time to sit down and write to pen pals/friends or I work on my blog
3:05pm - Jackson gets home from school
4:05pm - Aidan gets home from school
5:15pm - Neil gets home from work
5:30pm - Either Neil or I get dinner going
7:00pm - The kids start their bedtime routine. Showers, getting pj's on, brushing teeth, etc
8:30pm - All the kids go to bed and than it's quiet time for the parents
10:00pm - Neil usually head off to bed and I clean up a bit around the apartment.
10:45pm - I than sit down and relax for the night with writing pen pals/friends or work some more on my blog. My bedtime usually always changes. I could finally fall asleep anywhere between midnight and 5am, it just depends on how I am feeling, if I am dealing with pain, etc.

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